The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63931   Message #1042662
Posted By: C-flat
27-Oct-03 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chance meetings in foreign parts
Subject: RE: BS: Chance meetings in foreign parts
Some years ago we took a holiday to Florida but had an uncomfortable flight over, due largely to a gentleman in the seat behind who had an unpleasant habit of clearing his nasal passage. This process involved a series of grunts and snorts which, at one point, was so severe as to provoke me into asking if his was attempting to eat my head-rest!
Never-the-less, we dissappeared into the Floridian sunshine and the wonders of theme-park-life.
A week into the holiday and we were now accustomed to standing in long lines whilst enjoying the shade. As we waited in a particularly long queue in Disney World a familiar sound came to my ears,
...and there he was, standing directly behind me!
The thought of standing for 45 minutes while Mr. Sinus-trouble entertained us with his phlegm-based impressions was more than I could endure. Sea World was beckoning!