The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12908   Message #104269
Posted By: bbc
12-Aug-99 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Round 6
'Morning, folks! Let's see, Roger, were we s'posed to eat that grapefruit jello or roll around in it? Oh, I see, we have enough to do both! Good for the pores I think, Jeri. We need something fairly bland as an accompaniment to that. Do we have anyone able & willing to step into the kitchen & whip up a batch of scones or maybe some of those baps? Lower your voice when you talk about caffeine, Rog. Some of the folks are kind of sensitive on that subject. MM has *needs*, you know? Thanks for everything; we'll see you on Monday.

OK, who needs something? What's that from the little guy in the corner? 'Possum feed? Don't get much call for that. I'll have to check in the back. Hold on. (Somebody keep an eye on him! There's been talk of a rabies outbreak locally.)