The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63952   Message #1042840
Posted By: Desdemona
27-Oct-03 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bereavement
Subject: RE: BS: Bereavement
Even though it might feel like a lot of work to get out and talk to people (or even to answer the telephone), don't allow yourself to become isolated in your grief. These are the times when the people who love and care for you want desperately to be there for you in whatever helpful way they can, and you should allow them to do so. Talk & talk & talk (or not, if that's not your style), don't stop doing things that you enjoyed together, and give yourself a break: the best (and hardest to follow) advice I ever got was to give yourself permission to have your feelings. They may be hideously painful and difficult but they are honest and they are yours...they won't go away by ignoring them, and there's no timetable for the human heart.

I'm thinking of you & sending a good thought in this hardest of times.
