The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12961   Message #104367
Posted By: Frank of Toledo
12-Aug-99 - 01:50 PM
Thread Name: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
Subject: RE: Song Circle at Margarita's, Portlanders
If things work out for us here, we'll be in Portland that weekend and will be at the song circle. Will Email later for directions. Just sent you an e mail Rick to let you know that things are progressing kinda slow, what with me difficulty in dealing with the "upper echelon" of Corporate America. But Im trudging along for the good of Folk Music and us. Looks like you folk in Portalnd and here in Toledo will be seeing Rick and Heather some time in early March is my festival flies, or at least some time in the spring. I'm gonna get you out here come hell or high water Rick. We need to have your voice and talent here in the flesh. By the way as I'm writing this Im listening to Joe Hickerson and the 70's gang at Folk Legacy do Sammy's Bar.....