The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49515   Message #1044179
Posted By: GUEST
29-Oct-03 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy (Eric Bogle)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Plastic Paddy (Eric Bogle)
sorry to disturb your disussion ... .-)

fount your thread looking for the words of "plastic paddy" and just could'nt stop reading each posting.

i'm neither irish nor australian nor something like that ... just an austrian person (no, we dont't have kangaroos 'cuase we are located in the heart of "good old" europe)looking for the words. i like that fine sarcasm in the song ... there are a lot of peolpe here trying to perform the "real" irish tunes and they get a lot of money for their performances 'cause the audiance are jsut plastic paddies too.

to giv them the right answer i wanted to learn the song by myself just to find out if they are really understanding or stupidly reproducing without any thought.

wishing you a good time,
