The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #49704   Message #1044393
Posted By: AggieD
30-Oct-03 - 07:00 AM
Thread Name: What's a Mummers Play?
Subject: RE: What's a Mummers Play?
And then of course there's the infamous & very contemporary Bedfordshire Lace 'Dadders Play', the total antidote to all things traditionally male! :)

GUEST AR282, my husband can see no similarity to Mumming & any degree whatsoever of Freemasonry, which is based on a symbolic representation of Biblical Stories. He would also like to know how you come to that conclusion. There are however plenty of links between Freemasonry & traditional folk music & songs, eg 'The Mason's Apron', & some folk tunes are used in the ceremonies & celebrations.