The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64043   Message #1044632
Posted By: InOBU
30-Oct-03 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting a drunk out from under the porch
Subject: RE: BS: Getting a drunk out from under the porch
Hey Jimmy Skunk: It is less funny after the tortured death of the poor soul who was alowed to slowly die impaled on that woman's car's windshield in Texas. Folks with mental problems and drinking problems are human as well as you... as Phil Ochs sang, "there but for fortune". As to the question. As I said, the fellow is a human. Many people with problems live on my door step. I have over the years been present to God in them, and know most of their first names. I worry about my elderly mother, with her bad eyesight falling over a fellow sitting on the door step, and I sit down and discuss this with them. As a result, it is rare that folks "live" on my step. Folks may pause there for a short rest and move on. The benifit to this is remarkable, I have learned other languages from them, (struggled with Dene - Navajo) and learned a lot about many things. But, one of the more touching moments... well two now come to mind. One, Genie my wife was comming home and an agreesive fellow who had been drinking was hasseling her. Suddunly the fellow was surrounded by about six of my homeless neighbors. They began yelling at him to respect "the professor's wife". One, a dear soul named Vinny, a MicMac from Canada put a finger to the guy's chest and said, "you don't have the manners to live on the street with us!" The other story is, I was busking in Thomkins Squair Park. All the fellows I usually give handouts were sitting huddled on a bench as I played. As I was packing up, one of the guys came over with a big handful of pennies nickols, dimes, they had all scrapped together to put in the case.
Be present to that God in all of us and a way will open to you.
Yours in the light