The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3455 Message #1044793
Posted By: Big Tim
30-Oct-03 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: Tune Origin: Blowing in the Wind (Bob Dylan)
Subject: RE: Tune of 'Blowing in the Wind'
From the sleeve notes to Bob Dylan's "Bootleg Series Volumes 1-3" - " was Pete seeger who first identified Dylan's adaptation of the melody of this song ["No More Auction Block"] for the composition of "Blowin in the Wind".Indeed, Dylan himself was to admit the debt in 1978, when he told journalist Marc Rowland: 'Blowin in the Wind' has always been a spiritual. I took it off a song called "No More Auction Block" - that's a spiritual and 'Blowin in the Wind sorta follows the same feeling..."