The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64026 Message #1044901
Posted By: Don Firth
30-Oct-03 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Code of a Good Republican
JimmyT, the problem may be that classic definitions have shifted. Believe it or not, people used to regard me as somewhat conservative. Over the years my views haven't really changed that much. But the whole spectrum has shifted so far to the right within recent decades that when I express some of the same views I expressed years ago, now I find myself being called a "flaming liberal." And although I have voted for Republican candidates in the past, I have not done so recently. Nor will I.
And I am not alone in this. I know a number of people who, at one time considered themselves to be Republicans or who, at least, regularly voted Republican, who feel that Bush has made such a pig's breakfast of things that they cannot, in good conscience, continue to vote Republican.
On the other hand, I know some people of the Republican persuasion who are very apprehensive about the rightward shift of the nation's policies, but they are so caught up in the idea of being Republican and so loathe to put themselves in the position where someone might call them that dreaded epithet "liberal" that they continue to support Bush even though it wrenches their best instincts to do so.
If you honestly compare the philosophy of main-stream Republicans with the position taken by the Bush administration, you will see the quandary this rightward shift puts many Republicans in. I only hope they will follow their best instincts instead of the current reactionary party line.