The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64052   Message #1045013
Posted By: michaelr
30-Oct-03 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Remember seeing on TV the flag-draped coffins coming back from Vietnam? Anyone notice you haven't seen any of that lately? That's because the Resident put the kibosh on such images... they can't be shown, can't even be taped, anymore. The bastards know that seeing that will get the American public upset, and make them question the legitimacy of this war. Can't have that, now, can we?

Bush has not attended a single military funeral of any of the kids he's getting killed over there. The most courageous, and the only morally defensible, course of action for any of them is to desert.
