The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64026   Message #1045051
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
30-Oct-03 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Yeah, but in many ways Tricky Dick seems mild by comparison.

No, Jimmyt, I did not say you didn't pay attention in civics class. But I will suggest that you're thinking along binary lines, instead of recognizing a range of possibilities, and that I didn't necessarily include you in that explanation. By suggesting a couple of scenarios that doesn't mean there aren't many more stops on this sliding scale between the rapacious and the knee-jerk Bubba who doesn't evaluate the slogans he is using to decide who to vote for. It is amazing how few votes it can take the tip the scales, and the sloganeers bank on that. Literally.