The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64081   Message #1045475
Posted By: katlaughing
31-Oct-03 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy Samhain
Subject: RE: BS: Happy Samhain
Merry Samhain to you, too, Khatt and the rest of you. Thanks, Khatt, for starting this.

I thought this was interesting in view of the actual dates. I found it was (thanks, Micca!):

November 8th will be what is called the Harmonic Concordance. This means, that 6 planets will be in an alignment and make the Star of David, or Seal of Solomon, pattern. Also, there will be a lunar eclipse. This day is the Full Moon of Scorpio(in which many Pagans actually celebrate Samhain on this day). The veil this day will be it's thinnest in many many many years. Also, some astrologers think that this is the day when the Mayan Calendar ends, thus a new age begining.

And, now, just for fun a kids' party quiz from an old treasure of a book, Halloween by Robert Haven Schauffler, published in 1933. The answers are at the bottom:

1. Of what should Hallowe'en (sic) candlesticks be made?

2. When a witch goes to school what does she do best?

3. What relatives are always present at a Hallowe'en party?

4. Who takes charge of the lights on Hallowe'en?

5. If a witch could change herself into something to eat, what woudl it be?

1. Broomsticks
2. Spells
3. Pumpkin
4. Jack O'Lantern
5. Sandwich