The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64086   Message #1045489
Posted By: GUEST,Big Mick at work
31-Oct-03 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis
Subject: BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis
Ahhh, the life of a Union Organizer.....ain't it grand? I just found out that I have to take off at 4:00 AM for Indianapolis and will be there until early Tuesday morning. Seems that the good folks at a major food retailer are trying to jam a concessionary contract down the throats of the employees. One more thing to thank Walmart for. They enter the market paying 30% to 50% less, with benefits that most of their employees can't afford, capture market share due to this, and next thing you know, good hardworking folks at fair employers are faced with these types of concessions.

But....I digress. I don't know how much free time I will have, but certainly I should be able to get away later at night over this weekend and play a little somewhere. Any Indiana 'Catters out there with suggestions? Would any of you like to meet, if we can arrange it?

I will be arriving Friday morning and departing very early on Tuesday morning. I will be staying at the Radisson Airport in Indianapolis. I would love to hear from some of you.

All the best,

Mick Lane