The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64026   Message #1045624
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
31-Oct-03 - 11:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Code of a Good Republican
And to add to the mix, the Republican tax cut just slammed into the economy giving us the highest growth rate (7.2%) in the US economy since 1984 (Reagan years).

As for co-opting God, does anyone remember that when faced with the stained dress, Clinton brought in Jesse Jackson as "his spiritual advisor". And that Jackson showed up with a whore, who at that time was carrying Jackson's child.

Also the Washington Post has been one of the strongest supporters of the Iraq War, recently posting a full page editorial, "Why Bush is still right" about the correctness of why we went to Iraq, and todays editorial about the Ramadan Offensive, in which they praise the Presidents "strategery" of "rooting them out" and requesting more troops to Iraq along with passing the Iraq reconstruction request.

As Bobert knows, that ain't the same Washington Post we knew in our salad days. I think they finally got a lick o' sense.

And as I have written many times... ain't facts a bitch