The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64110   Message #1045988
Posted By: InOBU
01-Nov-03 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Terrorists kill 18,000 in USA every year
Subject: RE: BS: Terrorstis kill 18,000 in USA every year
I would hazzard a guess that Susan has health coverage. My family does not. I listen to someone I love groaning in pain in her sleep, with nothing to do, but for both of us to take an entire day off work for a full day at a clinic, where we don't get the tests needed at the end of, well several days, and we reach the end of the coverage the clinic provides, not for free mind you as we both work, but don't make enough to add to our cost of living $700 a month to cover us both. I don't know why my wife is sick, I hope we find out soon, as she has been in terrible pain since March. Do I feel any, any, any threat from the far east, here in my apartment where I am still cleaning fine grey dust from ever nook, no, none at all. Do I feel our lives are threatened by a network of American systems which bleed our class dry. You bet.
Call it terrorism, call it canabalism, call it depraved heart killing, murder by neglect. I don't care what you call it, but millions in this nation are being killed by rationing care we are owed because we have created every small bit of wealth those living on the fat of the land have. Wake up, you may be the next one without hope of seeing a docotor when you need it. Not one American is comfortable enough that they can say with surity that some turn of fate will not dump you in the waiting room of an ER that will treat the symtom you present with and not spend the time and money to diagose the illness.