The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64094   Message #1046080
Posted By: The Fooles Troupe
01-Nov-03 - 10:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fools In The Real World
Subject: RE: BS: Fools In The Real World
In Ausie we don't have "Local Police".

The basic unit is at State Level - Since my ISP is a NSW registered company, that is where I complain.

Thus in Queensland during the reign of the Mighty Joh - the wags used to put bumper stickers on their cars saying

"Queensland Police State"   :-)

We do also have a Federal Police Force - recent amending leglislation has just been passed to allow them to carry guns - again - Ooooops! :-) ans they are ably assisted in their duties by helpful friends - such as the US and Chinese Secret Police.... ;-)
