The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64026   Message #1046498
Posted By: Little Hawk
02-Nov-03 - 09:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Code of a Good Republican
That's true. In a profit based system, anyone is a fool who continues business at a loss. The trouble is, that doesn't suffice to deal with all (or even maybe half of) reality. There are many things that we do in life not because they are dollar-profitable, but because they are beneficial in a great many other ways. There are things that are absolutely necessary, which will not earn anyone a profit.

And that is precisely why government arranges to do a lot of those things. Whenever it does...that's socialism.

There are actually many different kinds of profit in life...

Dollar profit, emotional profit, natural environment profit, moral profit, health profit, security profit, enjoyment profit, leisure profit, spiritual profit, love profit, etc...

It is when the exclusive search for dollar profit relentlessly harms other natural forms of profit that it becomes very problematical, and that's where a lot of these disputes arise.

If a powerful sector of the economy, in its search for profit, ruins the environment, and hurts people's lives in many ways...then it should be called into question by government and by the public...and not allowed to continue destroying various other forms of profit merely so that one sector can experience dollar profit.

The neo-conservative movement is generally seen to be so enamoured of one form of profit (money) that they have forgotten many of the others.

Profit isn't just about money. Or if it is...then people need to redefine their whole notion of "profit"...else they will end up destroying almost everything that makes life worthwhile.

- LH