The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64154   Message #1046787
Posted By: JedMarum
03-Nov-03 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Subject: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
This is the second time in recent years that something like this has happened to me. I am sure that there are more incidents to come - but I am equally sure that some of you Mudcatters have similar stories to share.

I played a festival this weekend, and introduced a song I wrote with a bit of background. The song is called, "WINDS WILL" and was written for my friend Billy Dunlop who sailed the Atlantic solo, in a nine foot sail boat. He told a television interviewer that he left Portland Maine a Scotsman and arrived in Falmouth England a Mexican because he lived on canned chili for 76 days. I commented "I guess that's what Billy think real Mexian folks eat," poking a bit of fun at my friend's ignorance.

Well a letter of complaint reached the desk of the festival's president before I even got home! Someone misunderstood my comment and thought I was casually dismissing the eating habits of Mexicans! I believe it was an honest mistake on their part (but I realize it's possible someone purposely twisted the comment to create an issue) - but then I wondered how many times does it happen that I tell a story and someone in the audience gets it wrong? Or maybe since I've told the story a hundred times before, did I leave out parts of the story and not say what I think I said?

In this case, I wrote back to the festival and explained the story and comment, and I expect they will forward that message on to the complainer. But I'd like to hear some Mudcat stories. Have you ever unintentionally put someone in your audience over the roof, either because they misunderstood - or because they took offense at something you believe inoffensive?