The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64154   Message #1046875
Posted By: Peterr
03-Nov-03 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Subject: RE: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
I had a moment a while ago. Several of us were asked to jolly things up a bit at a (male) friend's wake. My turn came and I launched into Cosmotheka's version of Arry Arry Arry which includes the chorus line 'There's a nice little widder wiv a nice little pub' Changed after the first time through to 'A nice little lady.....'
In a similar vein, singing 'Shaking of the Sheets' when some people had come to a session to be cheered up after a bereavement. (I do know songs that don't involve death..............I think.)