The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64154   Message #1047076
Posted By: Joybell
03-Nov-03 - 05:07 PM
Thread Name: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Subject: RE: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Here in Australia there is usually no real problem. "She'll be right" seems to prevail as it always has. There are a few lines in songs that are potentially offensive like "...when Chinese are coppers in Bourke street my darling I'll come back to thee" - which have quite rightly become meaningless except as a comment on past attitudes. "when rocks melt with the sun" would have been a more lasting way of putting it.
We get requests for songs about death all the time in nursing homes. I've asked about it and I understand that it's because it reminds people that they are still alive - that's what they tell us anyway.