The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64154   Message #1048084
Posted By: Mark Dowding
04-Nov-03 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Subject: RE: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
I remember a gig I did at a village hall that wanted some folk singers as a bit of entertainment and I sang "The Green Fields of France" as one of my songs. Later that evening I was told that somebody who had "heard" me sing it had walked out in disgust at the fact that the organisers had hired an IRA sympathiser to sing some songs!!! I only wish he'd have come and said something to me and I'd have put him right about the song - I'd even have sung it again to him on his own but I imagine the lines about "the guns firing o'er you" and "the pipes played the Flowers of the Forest" set his mind racing and he didn't bother listening to the rest of the song.
Ho hum!