The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64204   Message #1048266
Posted By: mooman
05-Nov-03 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Treatment for v high blood pressure
Subject: RE: BS: Treatment for v high blood pressure
Dear Phot,

I've had the same problem and my BP suddenly went stratospheric too a couple of years ago.

I recognised the symptoms (I work in the med tech field) and went to a very good cardiologist who did a battery of tests. I don't smoke, don't drink, don't (...let's not go there!), am vegetarian (25 years), am reasonably fit. The tests revealed no artery narrowing, major vascular problems, respiratory problems or heart disease although my heart wasn't relaxing after pumping as much as it should have been.

The cardiologist diagnosed essential hypertension which is high BP when there doesn't seem to be any obvious cause and said the reason was probably stress (I had been hugely stressed at work for the previous year).

I am now on some rather expensive drugs and a recommended (by the doc) glass (one) of red wine a day. As I don't really drink I therefore buy the best I can find and can blame it on the cardiologist! My BP is now generally a healthy and normal 130/80.

My doctor also asked how I relaxed. I said I liked to play music and to meditate (I'm Buddhist). He said it would be very good if I did more of both and tried some changes of lifestyle. Since then, under doctors orders, my meditation has become more frequent and deeper and my quality of playing has definitely improved (not sure whether it's the increased practice or the glass of fine red wine). In relation to diet, I stick to the vegetarian diet which he liked, and avoid all processed food and salt (the latter is very important if you have high BP). Kat's diet

What's the point of all this rigmarole? I think it would be to stress that high BP should be taken seriously (its called the "silent killer" as left untreated it can lead to strokes and other serious conditions) and it is essential to seek good medical advice as well as the obvious things like proper diet, exercise and relaxation and mentioned by others in this thread.

