The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64086   Message #1048723
Posted By: Jeri
05-Nov-03 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis
Subject: RE: BS: Big Mick to Indianapolis
Poor Mick...
Every 'visit' needs a camera-weilding, black leather wearing directoratrix! We must, however, try to remember that Mick still is, after all, mortal.

I hope Dave_O still wants to meet you. You can drive down, he can drive up, and you both can hang out in Kokomo. (I lived there for 3 years. I know where all the fleshpots are...70 miles south in Indianapolis.) You can meet Koko in Kokomo. You can tour the Chrysler plant. You can visit all the nice cornfields and watch all the kids make sacrifices to whassisface. In any case, don't let the growing horde of females (and cross-species-dressing males) scare you off!