The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64199   Message #1048923
Posted By: Ferrara
05-Nov-03 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Don Camillo song
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Don Camillo song
McGrath, glad you e-mailed the owner of the site. I was thinking, if I can find more of the missing words, of sending him the translation.

A very fine quote about coming through without hatred in the soul. In the line about coming home a victor, I thought he was talking about coming through with integrity and dignity intact in spite of what he lived through. I admire him for feeling that his real victory was to come through without hatred.

I was wrung out when I finished translating the song. It was so moving.

I still haven't managed to play or download the midi. Will ask Bill (D) to look at it tomorrow. Maybe there's a setting on my browser that needs to be changed.