The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60287   Message #1049294
Posted By: GUEST,Oily Bard
06-Nov-03 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Subject: RE: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Dear Doctor Guitar,

While deep within slumberland the other night, I dreamed a dream about a friend and his mate. They live abroad, but in the dream they had the use of a home nearby. They were hosting a little get-together to visit with several friends in the neighborhood. While here, but before the evening's party/festivities, they were out taking a drive and bumped into a moving sale. At that sale they purchased a beautiful guitar for a bargain price and therein lies my problem.

I do love garage sales and I do love a bargain, extraspecially on beautiful guitars. So, my question is: How do I beat my friend and his wife to the next dream come true garage sale? I understand that I suffer from a rare form of G.A.S. If early to bed and early to rise makes a body healthy and wise, but the early birds get worms, could the secret to my success simply be to sleep more but wake later?