The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64052   Message #1049966
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
07-Nov-03 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
Subject: RE: BS: Brave US soldier in Canada
"Oh What a Lovely War!"

Here's another story about what happened to a young soldier - Soldier charged over panic attack caused by seeing Iraqi body

"A military interrogator who suffered a panic attack after seeing the mangled body of an Iraqi man has been sent back to the US to face charges of dereliction of duty in a case which has raised questions about how the American military is dealing with flagging morale. Staff Sergeant Georg-Andreas Pogany was initially charged with cowardice, a rare military crime punishable by death.

Army lawyers reduced the charge on Thursday to dereliction of duty, a catch-all offence which carries a maximum six-month sentence.

It sounds as if the kind of peole who had "cowards" shpt in the Great War, to encourage the others, are back at work in the military today.