The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63952   Message #1050145
Posted By: GUEST,Pistachio
08-Nov-03 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bereavement
Subject: RE: BS: Bereavement
I offer you hugs and you are in my thoughts.
It is such a hard time to muddle through just now. Keep clicking on, I believe this therapeutic thread is doing good for more people than you might imagine.

For Allison:

A month without your Byron, New days of tears and grief
You held him gently in your arms, To him, 'what a relief'
You were together when he left and now you feel alone
…Just don't forget 'we're' here to help. You are not on your own.

Grief is such a fickle beast you'll have your up's and down's
There's always something out there to remind you He's not around
With thoughts so overwhelming you'll muddle through the days
And always beg the question why couldn't he have stayed?

The answer will not satisfy. The pain will not recede.
The times you had were precious, re-live them as you need.
Remember all the fun you had, your time with friends and song
And though' you feel quite lost now Happy memories will live on.

Pick up the pieces slowly and return oft' to this thread
Your sadness is being shared now. The pages that I've read
Have brought a lump to my throat, and yes, tears to my eyes
It's such a necessary thing to have those tears and cry.

Whenever you feel lonely, turn on the old machine
And check in with this universe of silent friends on screen
The words are all so thoughtful so helpful and sincere
It's really therapeutic to deliver thoughts through here
This amazing world of silence, the keyboard shares the pain
Of so many of us over many years,

I'll be in touch again,

I struggled with grief for over 18 months after my father died back in 1984 and still I find myself reduced to tears at the strangest times.
It's something we're all going to go through and words can make such a difference. I offer you my thoughts in rhyme because they come out better that way! I found a verse 'in my head' when my friends' baby daughter died at birth and again I put pen to paper when another friends' son died age 15 months. I hope all this support helps you. Sadly I know I'll be 'finding another verse' soon as my pal loses her battle… why oh why? Hope your Sun starts to shine again before too long. H