The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64026 Message #1050567
Posted By: kendall
09-Nov-03 - 07:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Code of a Good Republican
Subject: RE: BS: Code of a Good Republican
The original republican party is a far cry from today's republican party.Teddy Roosevelt was the last republican who gave a rat's ass for the common man. World economy? BS! the corporations are moving their jobs out of the country to make BIGGER profits, and for no other reason. A worker here at, say, Briggs & Stratton would hve been making, say $20.00 per hour. In Mexico, that worker makes $2.00 an hour, and the price of a lawn mower does not reflect that drop in labor costs.It's all profit at the expense of this country's manufacturing base. Do we want to join all those countries such as, Somalia, who produce nothing? Seems like a case of myopia to me. How are we going to function as a world power with all our manufacturing jobs going south? De Ja Moo...we've heard this bullshit before.