The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63519   Message #1050886
Posted By: Rustic Rebel
09-Nov-03 - 11:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Goofy Hints 2003
Dear Santa,
I just wanted to write you a letter to tell you I really have been looking forward to hearing from you. Now Santa, I don't ask for much, and I really don't need anything because I already have so much shit you wouldn't believe it if you saw it, but I am not so secure when it comes to being ignored.
I admit that the one thing I do need is human contact. I thrive on human contact. I live for human contact. I am fortunate enough to have a small circle of friends that I can recieve human contact from, but I feel I am lacking a certain amount of a more spiritual Santa type of contact.
I promise if you contact me I will leave you some cookies and tequila on the nightstand. I might even be into waking up and sharing them with you, but Santa, I am starting to doubt your existance. I was always told you were out there somewhere and just want you to know, I do believe in you.

Your true believer, Rustic
PS. All I want for Christmas is world peace,my two front teeth and Magical Santa Contact!