The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63520   Message #1052278
Posted By: Rapparee
12-Nov-03 - 07:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: A house! A house!
Subject: RE: BS: A house! A house!
We closed on Monday last, November 10. It's ours, even though for a few brief, shining, glorious moments beforehand we were completely WITHOUT a debt! Now, however....

Electrical work starts next week, a guest bedroom rug goes in this Saturday. Bookshelves go in in early December, and then "that god-awful red and black carpet" is going to be replaced. We're going to get as much done as possible (and affordable) before we move in.

Termite damage was found; they ate a rug we were going to replace anyway.

Ah, well, no more nights in the bar, getting drunk, singing at the top of my voice, annoying the barmaids and barflies. Soon I shall have to make my own liquor. Let's see, to no water add four ounces of 16-year-old single malt Bushmill's....