The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13015   Message #105230
Posted By: Rick Fielding
15-Aug-99 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: Learning to finger pick
Subject: RE: Help: Learning to finger pick
Hi Wyo, if ya wanna get in gear before the videos and tapes get there, try this: It's a simple alternating thumb pattern. (If you get through it without serious physical or emotional damage, I'll give you the double thumbing pattern, and you'll swing like crazy!)

Strings number 1 to 6 (thin to thick)
Fingers designated by: T = thumb, I = index. M =middle.

Play an "Em" chord (using the middle and ring finger of your left hand.) Proper chord fingering is the most crucial element in becoming a smooth and fluid player.
Right hand picks T6,..I3,..T4,..M2.
Play it over and over again til it rolls and flows!
Play a "C" chord. Right hand picks T5,I3,T4,M2.
Play a "D7" chord. Right hand picks T4,I3,T5,M2.

Watch TV, stare out a window, or meditate, but keep playing the patterns til they feel right.
Good luck!