The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13046   Message #105255
Posted By: Rick Fielding
15-Aug-99 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: Where does the thread go???
Subject: RE: Where does the thread go???
Sandra if you want to bring your thread back, just change the "age" to 3 days, press "refresh" and bingo! You'll find it. You can then post a new message and it'll be at the top again. If there are very few replies to your thread it will move way down the line - but it never disappears.
My suggestion on your other thread to "hang around" for a while is based on the fact that "Mudcat" is a "community" in the truest sense of the word. When folks come here and talk about a product (or upcoming gig, CD, etc.)without having joined the community and gotten to know a few of the people here - their thread often shoots down the list VERY swiftly. If you'll notice that a woman named Jeri has a thread that's attracting lots of interest. It's because she's a great friend here.(I even know she wears "Combat Boots"!)

The folks here are incredibly generous (I know. I've often been the recipient - wittingly, or unwittingly, - of that generosity) but sometimes we do ask that you take some time to get to know us. Trust me it's worthwhile! Anyway, if you'd like to spend some time here, Welcome.
