The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53207   Message #1052712
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
12-Nov-03 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: Top Ten Campfire songs
Subject: RE: Top Ten Campfire songs
From many years as a Scout leader, I think the following should be considered almost de rigeur:
Campfire's Burning (a round)
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (an action song to get everyone joining in and feeling that nothing will then make them look any sillier)
Grand Old Duke of York (all stand on "Up", sit on "Down" and half crouch on "Halfway up". "Neither up nor down" gets two positions in quick succession......Then do the reverse actions, people will easily get the hang of changing position from up to down etc., but tend to revert to the standard movements immediately after "Half way up" .... Then split the group in two, one half being up for "up" the other half being down for"up")
You Can't Put Your Muck In Our Dustbin
Land Of The Silver Birch
