The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13044   Message #105308
Posted By: Bill D
15-Aug-99 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme, Allen C.
Subject: RE: Art Thieme, Allen C.
well! joely..I didn't realize this thread was related till just now, as my name was not included!.I just survived a bitter racking on the original thread by someone defending you..and I wrote as how I bet you'd survive just fine! I'm glad to see you are perfectly capable of defending yourself!

Yep, there IS a big differnce of opinion about should never make any difference to those writing music...they write what the know and feel, and truly LIKE some newer song..(sing some, too)..little things like this are why we now often use 'traditional' instead of 'folk' to describe older songs of a different style and ummm...'feel'...but even that does not suffice any more, as there seems to be a philosophical position that holds that it is ok for the definition to change as people write different stuff...I and others (some more adamant than I), feel that it behooves those who create new styles shoud find new terms to describe it. (Of course, I have not heard yours, so I have NO idea what I'd call it).

This discussion is not new, nor is it confined to folk music...Bluegrass musicians can get REALLY grumpy at some of the "newgrass" stuff...and Doc Watson was practically disowned by some when he allowed electric bass on stage!

I have my opinion, others have theirs..the management is pretty tolerant..*grin*..and it IS his place. I still like 'mostly' older, traditional music, and I sure do like what I find in the bin at the record store bin, or onstage at the club, to sound like what I want....if you, or anyone else changes the MUSIC, and demands to use the NAME I am used to, it makes it hard for me, and I get grumpy...some of us just don't LIKE constant MY world, you would have to wait 30-50 years to see IF what you do iiis adopted as 'folk' by that community..(it is easier for antiques and 'classic' cars...they have official rules/definitions about what fits under the title!)

It would suit me if there was a category called "contemporary acoustic" or something to tell others that it is NOT 'that old stuff'...but 'folk' is SUCH a neat, tidy word..I suspect I have lost it as a descriptive term

ah, long as you take no serious offense at my defence of my icons..*shrug*...(and, perhaps I would like some of your music...)