The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13015   Message #105326
Posted By: Rick Fielding
15-Aug-99 - 09:15 PM
Thread Name: Learning to finger pick
Subject: RE: Help: Learning to finger pick
Kinky? EXCUSE ME!! .
Thanks for agreeing Don. I try to get folks to carry on a conversation while they're practicing a pattern. It sounds weird but it really works. The mirror idea is excellent as well. My mantra remains : USE CORRECT FINGERING ON YOUR CHORDS, AND YOU WILL LEARN MUCH FASTER AND PLAY SMOOTHER.

I know I sound like a broken record on this but: use your middle, ring, and pinky to play your "G" chord. (think of it as a "G7" with a high G note in it. practice by lifting the pinky on and off the first string (at the 3rd fret).

Rick (nudge, nudge)