The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64439   Message #1053524
Posted By: mack/misophist
13-Nov-03 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: tone vs pitch
Subject: BS: tone vs pitch
A looong time ago I read an article about a man at the Bell Sound Labs who proved that pitch and tone have the same kind of relationship that weight and mass do: they look the same, but it's not so. The man reportedly produced an effects tape that included 1. A long continuously descending tone that ends on a higher pitch than it started on. 2. A continuously ascending tone that ends on a lower pitch than it started on, and 3. The sound of one pane of glass breaking...that continues for five minutes. At the time I read this in Analog I didn't have a sou to spend. Today, I would pay big bucks if I only could find a copy. Does any one know anything about this?