The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12995   Message #105368
Posted By: bbc
15-Aug-99 - 10:39 PM
Thread Name: MudCat Tavern - Round 7
Subject: RE: MudCat Tavern - Round 7
(bbc crawls out from behind the bar, peers cautiously over the edge, & pushes a glass toward Bill D) Whispers "Hi, Bill, just checking for the possum patrol. Does it look clear out there at the moment?" Whew! It's been getting a little scary around here today--posting from aliens & all. I'm just as glad I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow. Let Leej & Mona handle it. He deserved it after stringing us along w/ that "working girl" line! Still, Mick probably shouldn't have threatened to shoot. Oh, well, it'll probably sort itself out. Let me know what happens while I'm away, will you, Bill? And tell everybody I'll be back on the 23rd. Thanks! Fill it up again? You got it!