The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64478   Message #1054273
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
15-Nov-03 - 03:35 PM
Thread Name: ideas for songs
Subject: RE: ideas for songs
Supposing you were wanting to write jokes, someone would be sure to tell you that there are no new jokes; there is some finite number of jokes that have been around for a long time, which are endlessly retold, recast, turned inside out, modernized, tied to the tail of some political figure, and so on.

The same thing might be said of songs. Just about every theme that might be imagined has been treated in song after song after song. Murder. Bastardy. Victorious love. Failed love. Indignation about war. Glorification of war. Love of food. Love of alcoholic beverages. Love of God. Rebellion against God. Seduction. (and lots more) You are not going to make up a NEW basic theme, so relax and pick one.

The same may pretty much be said of story lines, and I won't try to go through a listing process like the above.

So pick some subject or theme that interests you--say for the moment seduction or maybe a maiden's clever escape therefrom. Look at some of the many songs that exist dealing with that. Use one or two as starting points, and figure different ways that might be used to treat the theme or to tell the underlying story with perhaps a different payoff, or from the perspective of a different character in the story.

Dave Oesterreich