The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64510   Message #1054888
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
16-Nov-03 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
Subject: RE: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
Well.. o.k... ummm... lemme see here...

There is a brand of humour that involves padded insults and put-downs traded between people who are mature enough to sling and receive 'em and retain the knowledge that no one really means anything... it's an insult for the sake of an insult and a good line... My mates and I do it all the time... And it causes no harm to anyone...

And there are folks, who lacking in confidence in their own abilities, feel the need to boost themselves by putting other people down... Those people are to be given the attention their worth... (Which is to say, none...)

Hecklers... well, they're a natural part of performing live... learn to cope...

"it is just tragic that people do it"
Ya... human nature sucks... but whatcha gonna do? Live in a cave?

And I still maintain, if yer gonna accuse someone of envy, you'd better first make sure you have something WORTH enving...   Otherwise you come off looking worse than they do.....