The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64510   Message #1054951
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
16-Nov-03 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
Subject: RE: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
"Your defence for being unpleasant seems to be that other people are unpleasant to you."

Actually, what I'm getting at when I talk about what my chums and I do isn't a defence at all... One cannot defend where there is no attack... It's not like we inflict it on people who aren't 'into' it (or is that what TtR means when saying above, "is distructive to others", and talks about the outside observer??? If that is the case, all I can say is I don't worry about who might be eavesdropping and who might be offended by something I say... If you're offended by what I say to someone else, you're sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong...)

"is there another reason for your reacting in this antisocial fashion?"
Within the context of "Ribbing Humour" it's not antisocial at all... and it's not like my mates and I invented it, or are the only ones who relate to each other in this manner...

I mean it's not like I'm slinging 'insults' at random strangers... I'm slinging them at people who know I don't mean them....

TtR... This is gonna hurt you more than me, but you sound like a wimp, all pouty-face cause someone said a bad thing about ya... (Or because lots of people say lots of bad things about a lot of other people... That's one area I'm confused about in this thread... ) But, I do hope for your sake you find a nice cushy little 'safe space' to be in where can't no one hurt you anymore... (A space where no one hurts anyone else ever again jsut ain't gonna happen ever...) It's just too bad it won't be on a little place I like to call "Earth"...

And what you call mean spirited, some others might call realistic...

Hug a rainbow dude...