The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64510   Message #1055056
Posted By: Thomas the Rhymer
16-Nov-03 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
Subject: RE: Dodging the Snide and Sleazy Backhander
Get lost Clinton, I'm not interested in your input on this one... you and your 'mates' obviously have a far different understanding of human nature than I'll ever have... so stop yer torturing, and move on...

Like I said, Clinton's behavior here is a perfect example... Hubris, bragging, pointless one upmanship (concerning tuning, song choice, picking style, 'how good your lady was last night...etc.), nay saying, suggesting 'queer' renditions, opting out on stage, false assertions, and all manner of personal comments that the speaker has no first hand knowledge of, thinly veiled threats, the taking of odd pictures and passing them off as 'how he is'... backstage detuning, a ton of bad advice, plenty of false rumors and out and out lies... attributation of absurd meanings to songs as attempts to smear and delegitemize, the nagsome touting of expensive instruments, to name a few...

I have also seen all of these used on others... and... never to good effect... like hail on a nudist picnic...

It's like... didn't people ever stop to think that they could be a positive influence on their fellow musicians, and that that alone would make a big difference? ...or, is that too wimpy? ttr