The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64511 Message #1055148
Posted By: JohnInKansas
16-Nov-03 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: Need ideas for CD songs inventory
Subject: RE: Need ideas for CD songs inventory
WYSIWYG - if you're talking about simply making a list of the filenames in a folder, the simplest way to "print" them is to redirect a DOS "DIR" to a text file, and then open it in your word processor.
Click "START" and select "Run" Type "Command" and hit Enter. This opens a DOS window. Navigate to the folder you want to list ("CD \mydocs" or the like) Typed "DIR *.*/S > list.txt" and hit enter.
The DIR command creates the list of files. The /S includes subdirectories in the list. The ">" redirects the list to the text file named list.txt.
Type "Exit" and hit Enter to close the DOS window, and then open the file list.txt in your WP.
There are a number of "switches" you can use with the DIR command to clean up what you get in the list and to change the way the list is sorted, but what's available depends on what DOS version you've got. If you type DIR or DIR/? in the DOS window, it should give you a list of what's available on your machine.