The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13019   Message #105524
Posted By: Ferrara
16-Aug-99 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Wedding Song Needed
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wedding Song Needed
A charming wedding song would be "Lassie Wi' The Yellow Coatie". The version below includes verses from both Jean Redpath's and Euan McCall's (sp?) version. It was a poem set to music. The tune they use is a little different from the one given in the DT. - Rita F


Lassie wi' the yellow coatie
Will ye wad [wed] a moorland jockie
Lassie wi' the yellow coatie
Will ye busk [dress up] and gang wi' me

I hae meal and milk in plenty
I hae kales and cakes fu' denty
I've a but and ben fu' genty [gentil, classy]
But I want a wife like thee. CHORUS

Tho my mailin' be but sma' [small]
Little gowd [gold] hae I tae shaw [show]
I've a hairt withoot [heart without] a flaw
And I'd gie it all tae ye. CHORUS

With my lassie and my doggie
Oe'r the dales and through the boggie
Nane on airth [none on earth]
was aye sae jaunty [ever so cheerful]
Or sae blithe as we will be. CHORUS

Haste ye lassie tae my bosom
While the roses are in blossom
Time is precious, dinna lose them
Flo'ers will fade and sae will ye CHORUS