The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13044   Message #105554
Posted By: teller
16-Aug-99 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: Art Thieme, Allen C.
Subject: RE: Art Thieme, Allen C.
I, like many many others, have come across debates and discourses of this nature mnay times before. Sometimes, I ignore them, feeling tereis little more to be said; on the other hand, I sometimes dip in , just to satisfy my curiosity. Invariably, I usually find something a little different to read; a new slant on an old angle - a new turnip in the potato salad :-)! What I enjoy about the Mudcat is the fact that we all get together and are able talk about a myriad things; air opinions; have a rant; tell a story; move and be moved, without fear of derision and snide sniping. Joking is one thing, but...... Okay, cut to the chase. Last night ( UK 16/8/99 ) I went to a folk newsgroup and saw a posting to a thread not disimilar to this, and there, for the first time, I came across the saying ( which I now assume to be 'fabled' ) 'Horse Alert!' Funnily enough, posted by the aforementioned Ian A. Anderson. It struck me then as an unnecessarily snide comment, a sort of coded 'Oh boy! Here we go again - another uninitiated pleb trying to tell us what is and isn't and trying to change that which is set in stone! Just ignore 'em guys, and they'll go away' One of the reasons I REALLY enjoy coming to the Mudcat, is, as I said, we all discuss, chat and argue about this and that without fear of recrimination and derision. So, in to the threads I come, read this thread, post my pennorth worth and return later today, to find 'Horse Alert' posted in this thread. To quote Kevin Kline ( 'Fish Called Wanda'): 'Disappointed!!' As I said, the reason I like this place is the freedom of exchange of opinions; the right to agree to disagree...but to find Mr.Anderson's 'little joke' being used here......well, it jarred. Fine, have an opinion; great, air, it's what we're here for, but please, NOT funny! Or am I being overly sensitive ? ( Prepares himself to be swamped with shouts of 'YES!!') Teller