The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64511   Message #1055775
Posted By: Bill D
17-Nov-03 - 06:25 PM
Thread Name: Need ideas for CD songs inventory
Subject: RE: Need ideas for CD songs inventory
for those who don't HAVE Access, and want a simple, but useful database that is not connected to a music player like dbPowerAmp...

Little Lists

"Little Lists for Windows
Database, lists and labels for home or business

This is a database program designed for users who want to keep things simple. You can create exactly the kind of list you want, without any prior knowledge of programming or database systems. Add, view, and change records, browse through the list, print a columnar report, envelopes or labels including only the information you want, sort the records any way you like, add and change data fields. Simple math functions are also included. Because it can import/export from dBase-compatible files as well as ASCII-delimited files, Little Lists can be used to view and manipulate data files created by many other programs.

This FREE program requires Windows 95/98 or better. You may need a free registration code for continued use. "