The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64486   Message #1055833
Posted By: Strupag
17-Nov-03 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: They stole my song!
Subject: RE: They stole my song!
I was in a bar in Ullapool once with my friend, and good songwriter, Ian Sinclair. There was a duo on in the bar and they were honestly terrible.
As Ian and myself were consuming lots of good scots ale we were quietly discussing about how some groups, duos, etc go on and perform without any practice or preporation etc. Just then the duo did one of my songs. The didn't know me, or give me credit and they kind of murdered the song. Big Sinclair was laughing and ribbing me.(in a joking way)
At the end of the night the deadly duo said " Now we are going to finnish of with one of our favourite songs" Yes you've guessed it! They sang "Tak a Dram" written of course by Ian Sinclair.
We both wandered off into the west highland mist not knowing whether to be pleased with the acclaim or pissed off at the awful rendering of our songs!

Then again, who are we to talk!