The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64418   Message #1056469
Posted By: GUEST,Poppa Gator, cookieless at work
18-Nov-03 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Your favourite Christmas songs
Subject: RE: Your favourite Christmas song
Jenny -- thanks for the info on John Denver and Miss Piggy; hardly what I expected as a reference for such an oldie as "The Goose Is Getting Fat"!

To the Buddhist looking for appropriate carols: Yuletide was celebrated thoughout the northern hemisphere *long* before the time of Christ, and a good-sized subset of our traditional "Christmas" songbook actually celebrates this secular/pagan festival marking the winter solstice -- or, more precisely, the immediate aftermath of the solstice, when we can observe that the days are finally starting to get longer rather than shorter, and that the sun is not dying, but resurrecting.

"Deck the Halls" is probably the most obvious and most popular example; also, anything about "wassail," eating and drinking, etc.