The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64582   Message #1057268
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
19-Nov-03 - 06:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Shirley Collins' George Collins
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Shirley Collins' George Collins
Shirley will have been glad to have the opportunity of putting the record straight. This is what Bob Copper had to say about Enos White:

"Enos will always be one of my favourite singers. A slight man of 70 years (at that time — now deceased), face and arms tanned to the colour of old oak by the sun of nearly as many harvests. He had been a carter for the whole of his working life, working on the farms in the immediate surroundings. I took all his recordings in the front parlour of his tiny cottage at the back of the 'Crown Inn', Axford, and afterwards spent the remainder of many long summer evenings on a rickety wooden bench under a gnarled apple tree in his garden. There we would sit while he recalled many of the old singers, sipping our ale until the last of the light had faded. He remembered Ralph Vaughan Williams's visit to the area some 50 years before. 'He used to come up with another gentleman from the station at Micheldever, in a horse and fly', he said, 'Black coats and hard-hats they had on and one was the "song-getter" and the other the "music writer".'

Bob Copper, The Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society (IX (2) 1961 73).