The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #1057735
Posted By: Rapparee
20-Nov-03 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
RR, the longest lariat in common use (and it's not all that common) is sixty feet. I've heard of some twice that, but 52 yards? Thats 156 feet of 3/8ths inch (or better) rope, and that's a lot of rope. Since it needs some stiffness, you must use a pickup truck to carry the coil around.

Hmmm...since you're roping at 52 yards you must have more rope than that. Yeah, I suspect a pickup. And goats can get right rambunctious, so you must be using 1/2 or even 3/4 inch rope. Silk manila, I suspect, since nylon would stretch too much and there's nothing like have a goat stretch your line to the limit and then snap back. Yessir, ol' Billy Cate had that happen to him just a couple months back an' when that ol' goat snapped back it took poor ol' Billy's head clean off. We put it on his tombstone, o' course: "Here lies Bill Cate, his head was took off by a goat he roped. Cowboys take heed: don't rope goats with nylon."

You use a hoolihan or an open loop? Dally or tie hard and fast? Just curious, you understand.