The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64636   Message #1058117
Posted By: Mickey191
20-Nov-03 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?
Subject: BS: Any Predictions for the U.S.?
Reading all the posts in the "Bush Post War Plan," things look truly dismal for the average family. We (97%) think Bush is a profiteer, a war monger,a duplicitous creep, a national guard no show, a smug faced bully boy and any other nasty adjective we care to add. I agree he & many of his congressional cohorts care not one iota for the people who put them in office. (Whether by vote stealing, gerrymandering, or the occasional honest election.)
They are the fat cats who have generous pensions, health care for life, etc., while many of us find the benefits we counted on are being erroded.

I've just been wondering what you all think this country will be like in ten years. Will the middle class be wiped out? Will college be available to only rich kids? Will life expectancy start dropping because people won't be able to afford medical care?
Won't crime be rampant? Studs Terkel predicted the next depression will not have people selling apples, they will simply _take_ what they need. Or will our government be using WMD to take whatever land or fuel, or resource it decides it needs?

What say you?